Thursday, 29 October 2015

stuff and everything

OK, i know this blog sux. i don´t really write here coz a. i have no time, b. there´s so many thing happening and it´s hard to choose what to write and put it in a logical story.
15 months of this trip passed today. and a looot still to go. i´ve been recently thinking of doing something totally different, ispired by "wild". but i wanna at least finish one thing i´m doing before starting next one.
i´ve done 1300 km hitchhiking in 1,5 days. 2 rides and one night in the truck. i´ve had lovely weather almost all the way, no rain everybody was scaring me from.
i´ve signed up for some kinda volunteering thing in the end of december, in brazil, so i needa be there. hence the recent rush and calculating where i´m gonna be at certain points.
and i lot of wine :) i promised myself to drink a lot in chile and argentina as they are wine countries and i´ll keep the word.