Wiele spotkanych na trasie ludzi mowi, ze podziwia moja odwage i samodzielnosc. Nigdy nie myslalam, ze wyjazd zagraniczny, nawet ten dlugoterminowy wymaga jakiejs szczegolnej odwagi. Dla mnie to przede wszystkim kwestia pewnosci siebie. Bardzo duzej. Szczegolnie jezdzac stopem i szczeglnie jako samotna dziewczyna naprawde trzeba wiedziec, co sie robi. Byc odpornym na zaczepki, wytykanie palcami, nagle wybuchy smiechu, czy przerozne komentarze (na szczescie wiekszosc w niezrozumialych jezykach; czasami naprawde lepiej nic nie rozumiec). Dodatkowo dochodzi oczywiscie upal, brud, glod, zmeczenie, brak snu itp, itd. Nie ma chyba lepszego cytatu oddajacego taki klimat, niz ten z "Talizmanu" Stephena Kinga:
"Maybe when you rode it in a Cadillac it was a road of dreams, but when you had to hitch it, riding on your thumb and a story that was just about worn out, when you were at everybody's mercy and anyones's meat, it was nothing but a road of trials."
Klamac tez musialam, dla bezpieczenstwa. Z reguly tego nie robie i czasami wolalbym nawet pochwalic sie, ze jezdze sama, bez niczyjej pomocy. Ale kiedy jezdzi sie przewaznie z mezczyznami, czasami para mezczyzn, czasami wieczorem dosc glupie jest mowic, ze jestem sama i nikt nie wie, co sie ze mna dzieje.
O ile we wszystkich pozostalych krajach, w ktorych bylam liczbe "niemoralnych" propozycji moglabym zliczyc na palcach jednej reki, o tyle w Laosie padly 4 w ciagu 2 tygodni. Wszystkie nieszkodliwe i w wiekszosci zenujace, ale jednak jadac 2 godziny przez gory bez zywej duszy w okolicy, z facetem proponujacym seks, trzeba zachowac stalowe nerwy.
Wiec odwaga? Moze. Trudno mi obiektywnie patrzec na to wszystko, co robie teraz. Dla mnie to po prostu codziennosc, cos normalnego i zapominam, ze dla ludzi majac ulozone zycie, moje moze sie wydawac "troche" nietypowe.
Many people met on the road say they admire my courage and independence. I've never though that trip abroad, even the long-term one requires any kind of courage. For me it is confidence first of all. A lot of it. Especially while hitch-hiking and especially as single girl, you have to know what you're doing. Be cool with all laughs, bullying, pointing at, staring at, comments (mostly in unknown languages, thanks God) etc. Plus heat, dirt, fatigue, hunger... There's no better quote describing that state than the one from "The Talisman" by Stephen King:
"Maybe when you rode it in a Cadillac it was a road of dreams, but when you had to hitch it, riding on your thumb and a story that was just about worn out, when you were at everybody's mercy and anyones's meat, it was nothing but a road of trials."
"Maybe when you rode it in a Cadillac it was a road of dreams, but when you had to hitch it, riding on your thumb and a story that was just about worn out, when you were at everybody's mercy and anyones's meat, it was nothing but a road of trials."
Klamac tez musialam, dla bezpieczenstwa. Z reguly tego nie robie i czasami wolalbym nawet pochwalic sie, ze jezdze sama, bez niczyjej pomocy. Ale kiedy jezdzi sie przewaznie z mezczyznami, czasami para mezczyzn, czasami wieczorem dosc glupie jest mowic, ze jestem sama i nikt nie wie, co sie ze mna dzieje.
O ile we wszystkich pozostalych krajach, w ktorych bylam liczbe "niemoralnych" propozycji moglabym zliczyc na palcach jednej reki, o tyle w Laosie padly 4 w ciagu 2 tygodni. Wszystkie nieszkodliwe i w wiekszosci zenujace, ale jednak jadac 2 godziny przez gory bez zywej duszy w okolicy, z facetem proponujacym seks, trzeba zachowac stalowe nerwy.
Wiec odwaga? Moze. Trudno mi obiektywnie patrzec na to wszystko, co robie teraz. Dla mnie to po prostu codziennosc, cos normalnego i zapominam, ze dla ludzi majac ulozone zycie, moje moze sie wydawac "troche" nietypowe.
Many people met on the road say they admire my courage and independence. I've never though that trip abroad, even the long-term one requires any kind of courage. For me it is confidence first of all. A lot of it. Especially while hitch-hiking and especially as single girl, you have to know what you're doing. Be cool with all laughs, bullying, pointing at, staring at, comments (mostly in unknown languages, thanks God) etc. Plus heat, dirt, fatigue, hunger... There's no better quote describing that state than the one from "The Talisman" by Stephen King:
"Maybe when you rode it in a Cadillac it was a road of dreams, but when you had to hitch it, riding on your thumb and a story that was just about worn out, when you were at everybody's mercy and anyones's meat, it was nothing but a road of trials."
I have to lie as well, for safety reasons. I don't usually do it and sometimes I'd prefer to show off, that I travel alone and need nobody's help. But when you ride with men, sometimes more than one in a car, sometimes in the evening, it's quite stupid to let them know that you're all alone and nobody knows what's happening with you. In all the countries I've travelled I was given "an offer" no more than 5 times, but in Laos it was about 4 times in 2 weeks. Not dangerous or forcefull ones, mostly quite pathetic, but when you ride 2 hours through the mountains with no other people around, with a guy who has just offered you sex, well, you have to keep veeery calm.
So is it all courage? Mabye. It's hard for me to look at it objectively. For me, all what I'm doing now it's a reality, something normal and I keep forgetting that for people who have "normal" life, what I'm doing now migh seem a bit unusual...
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